August 31, 2009

Indian Ocean: New power game in the offing?

By Iftekharul Bashar
In the ancient Sanskrit literature the Indian Ocean is known as Ratnakara meaning "the maker (creator) of jewels." The real relevence of this name is being understood in this twenty-first century, as the high strategic value of this vast ocean is making it a theatre of maritime dominance of the Asian powers. Today's jewels certainly are trade, influence and power, a raison d'être for these developing countries to modernize and expand their maritime strength and broaden their sphere of strategic influence.
The Indian Ocean provides major sea routes connecting the Middle East, Africa, and East Asia with Europe and the Americas. It carries a particularly heavy traffic of petroleum and petroleum products from the oil fields of the Persian Gulf and Indonesia. Large reserves of hydrocarbons are being tapped in the offshore areas of Saudi Arabia, Iran, India, and Western Australia. An estimated 40% of the world's offshore oil production comes from the Indian Ocean. The ocean's importance as a transit route between Asia and Africa has made it a scene of conflict. Because of its size, however, no nation had successfully dominated most of it until the early 1800s when the United Kingdom controlled much of the surrounding land.
The global power gravitas is clearly shifting towards Asia, while the strategic landscape in the region remains marked diversity of conflict. With phenomenal rise of China and India, the Indian Ocean will matter more as these key players enter into a great-power rivalry in these waters as the whole Indian Ocean seaboard, including Africa's eastern shores, becomes a vast web of energy trade. Triggered by economic growth and strategic perception (shaped by the history and strategic culture), both China and India are investing in extensive military modernization and expansion. These are evidenced by their efforts to build up maritime strength with a view to attain supremacy in the Indian Ocean.
China has a very different name for this ocean. They call it Xiyang (Western Ocean). In 2009, for the first time, official Chinese state media quoted Defense Minister Liang Guanglie stating China's intention to build aircraft carriers. For China, building aircraft careers is all about underlining China's rise in the international system. The argument is that all great powers build strong navies. And nothing demonstrates the maritime power of a nation more than an aircraft carrier. An aircraft carrier is a warship designed with a primary mission of deploying and recovering aircraft, acting as a seagoing airbase. Aircraft carriers thus allow a naval force to project air power great distances without having to depend on local bases for staging aircraft operations.
The enthusiasts of sea-power in China insist that without aircraft carriers, China will be unable to secure its growing interests far from the national shores and defend its massive sea-borne trade from threats. They highlight the fact that China is the only major power in the world today without a carrier capability. This year China has a defence budget of $70 billion, and a large share is to go to the navy rendering it the fastest growing arm of Chinese military.
Meanwhile, the Indian navy has already begun a comprehensive program to acquire power-projection platforms ranging from aircraft carriers to landing-platform dock ships. According to a leading international think tank, over the next decade the Indian navy plans a fleet of 140-145 vessels, of which half will be designed ocean-going. India is enthusiastic about strengthening its maritime capability with an ambition to establish its supremacy. Robert D. Kaplan, a noted expert on Indian Ocean Region, is of the opinion that "India is seeking to increase its influence from the Plateau of Iran to the Gulf of Thailand - an expansion west and east meant to span the zone of influence of the Raj's viceroys."
The indigenous aircraft carrier with a tonnage of 37,500, designed by the Indian Navy, can operate Russian MiG-29K, Ka31 helicopters and indigenous Light Combat Aircraft fighters. It will have two runways for takeoff and one for landing, and can accommodate up to 30 fighter aircraft. It is expected to be completed by 2011 and put into use by the Navy by 2014. The biggest warship to be ever built in India, all with home-made steel, the carrier will be about five times larger than the 6,700 tonne Delhi class of destroyers, the largest warships made by India.
The carrier will also be equipped with home-made long-range surface-to-air missile system with multi-function radar and close-in weapon system, according to navy officials. With a length of 260 meters and a breadth of 60 meters, the warship will be propelled by two shafts, each coupled to two LM2500 gas turbines developing a total power of 80 megawatt, sufficient to attain speeds over 28 knots, said the officials.
The project started in 2002 with the designing but was launched into fast track in 2006 when the construction of the warship building blocks began in Kochi.
India purchased the INS Viraat aircraft carrier from British Royal Navy in 1986, and thus became the only nation in Asia operating such a warship. Indian strategic experts view it as "a quest for sea supremacy". Indian policymakers are of the opinion that "the indigenous aircraft carrier will make the Indian Navy strong and self reliant." As Indian economy grows, the country's gas, oil and other commodity imports are climbing rapidly.
The Indian Ocean is bounded on the north by Asia (including the Indian subcontinent, after which it is named); on the west by Africa; on the east by Indochina, the Sunda Islands, and Australia; and on the south by the Southern Ocean (or, traditionally, by Antarctica).
Major powers will concentrate on the Indian Ocean region given its strategic and economic significance. A new power game in the region is of a high probability and this may have a significant destabilizing impact on the regional states. The regional states should keep in mind that this region is vital to the regional and global economy. The international community should also encourage peaceful settlement of the maritime disputes.
Bangladesh faces the Indian Ocean through the Bay of Bengal. For Bangladesh access to the oceans via Bay of Bengal is of utmost strategic importance. The recent development in Myanmar is a matter of concern for Bangladesh. The spat with Yangon in November 2008 over a rig placed by Myanmar for exploration purposes in territorial waters claimed by Bangladesh was a "wake up call" for Dhaka. The media has reported the Bangladesh navy as having a ten year plan to upgrade itself into a "three dimensional force", which is very logical. The Myanmar navy has grown enormously since 1988. Now it seeks blue water capability. Further modernization is only a matter of time. In this context Bangladesh must seriously assess and develop its own maritime capability to match the reality. The rapidly evolving strategic scenario in the Indian Ocean Region is something that Bangladesh should take into serious consideration. In Bangladesh, there is a surprising lack of research in maritime issues. We cannot defend our national interest vis-à-vis maritime boundary and exploration of oceanic resources unless we know the ocean well.
The Indian Ocean is gradually being militarised by many littoral states. The peacetime functions of the navy of many coastal countries have changed considerably. It is not confined to defence of territories. The navies patrol the distant waters to keep safe the sea-lanes for transportation of oil from the Middle East to Far East and promotion of trade. Bangladesh needs to monitor and consider how to play a role in the area of security of the Indian Ocean.
Whoever controls Indian Ocean controls Asia. Though some experts reject any possibility of a large scale confrontation as the economic cost will be too high for both of the countries to bear. Militarization of the Indian Ocean may not be the disease but a symptom which will influence the future of not only Asia but also the rest of the world.
The author is a Research Associate at Bangladesh Institute of Law and International Affairs
When you start, you never stop. If you stop, you will never be able to start again.
Sajjad Ahmad
Freelance Writer & Researcher
Rawalpindi, Pakistan

August 18, 2009

Pakistan to launch first satellite in 2011

ISLAMABAD, Aug. 18 (Xinhua) -- Dr Samar Mubarakmand, a renowned Pakistani nuclear scientist, said that Pakistan would launch its first space satellite in April 2011, local media reported Tuesday.
Talking to a private TV channel on Tuesday, Dr Samar said the satellite, likely to be sent into earth orbit, would monitor mineral and agriculture programs and weather conditions.
He said this project is funded by the Pakistani Planning Commission and there is no scarcity of funds for nuclear and space projects of the country.
Dr Samar said the country's nuclear program was not inferior to any other country in its standard and proficiency.
Dr Samar is a nuclear scientist and nuclear physicist, and was the chairman of Pakistan's National Engineering and Scientific Commission in 2001-2007, according to local news agency NNI.
He largely contributed to the nuclear program of Pakistan and he was awarded three highest civil awards of the country. He got the national fame in May 1998 when he headed the scientists' team which conducted the six nuclear tests in southwest Pakistan's Balochistan province.

August 14, 2009

Happy Independence Day - Watan Ki Miti Gawah Rehna

A very happy independence day to all of you. May Allah give you everything, you desire and pave the way of progress and prosperity. A poet had said,


Jin Logo Ne Khun De Ker Is Phool Ko Rangat Bakhshi Ha

Do Char Se Dunya Waqif Ha Gumnam Najane Kitne Ho


Those who gave their lives and blood and those, especially our mothers, daughters and sisters who were either kidnapped or raped and killed, for our better, safe and secure future are the real heroes of our country.


It was not just a piece of land, but the demand of our beloved religion, Islam, which require us to spend our life according to the rules set by it.


14th of August is a Black Day for those who try to penetrate in to our unity, faith & discipline. Being a united, with strong commitment with our faith and by keeping our discipline at best, we can easily and comfortably come over them. That is why, the slogan of Unity, Faith & Discipline has been given to us.


After the death of Mr. Jinnah, Madre Millat Mohtarma Fatimah Jinnah said that we need to transform our polity according to the principles of Islam and Pakistan is supposed to help the Muslim world in in particular and the whole world in general. Therefore, during your celebrations, I shall request you all to spare at least one hour and draw your plan for next one year that how you will pay your part of contribution in this matter.


Begin your celebration with thanks giving prayers and end with commitment that you will never let your nation down, you will never let your religion down and you will do whatever you will have to do for the best of this Allah given country and for the poor, innocent and beautiful people of Pakistan.


Here is an Independence Day gift for all of you from me.
Pakistan Zindabad
We all need to unite and stand as one against the common enemies
Sajjad Ahmad
Freelance Writer & Researcher
Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Author and Moderator
PakistanFront Discussion Forum
ArzKyaHa Urdu Mailing list & Discussion Forum

August 11, 2009

Pakistan Air Force to complete induction of four Ilyushin Il-78 aircraft by 2010

Chief of the Air Staff Air Chief Marshal Rao Qamar Suleman has said that the Pakistan Air Force plans to complete the induction of up to four Ilyushin Il-78 aircraft fitted with a mid-air refueling capability, extending the capacity of its fighter aircraft to patrol areas over the border region by 2010.

Pakistan plans to 4 Il-78 as air-to-air refuellers

Pakistan plans to 4 Il-78 as air-to-air refuellers

In an exclusive interview, Rao Qamar said, the refueling capability is an "extremely significant" development. "This is an absolutely new capability we are getting, which we are inducting. We never had this capability in the Pakistan Air Force," he said.

Answering to a question, he said, US-supplied F-16 multirole fighter aircraft can stay for up to four, five, six hours in Pakistan's northern areas, ranging from the northern Swat valley and its surrounding region.

"During this time, if there is any militant attack anywhere in the FATA [Federally Administered Tribal Areas], these aircraft can go there immediately, within minutes, and they can bomb the militants. It will create the right kind of deterrence against the militants", he said.

He said the PAF's operations in the north have brought significant pressure to bear on Taliban militants, who were on the advance until the recent military campaign in Swat began reversing the tide.

"They [Taliban militants] never see us on the ground. The only time they find out that an aircraft has struck is when the bomb explodes on them. It creates a great psychological impact", he said.

Replying to a question, Rao Qamar went on to say, the PAF was focused on enemy air forces. We remained focused on enemy land forces and enemy air forces and, therefore, we were preparing ourselves to fight against organized modern air forces and against modern armies.

"We never thought we would be required to fight against militants or be involved in counter-insurgency operations. When we started this [counter-insurgency], we had to learn while on the job. We had to re-orient our thinking, we had to refine our … existing SOPs [standard operating procedures] and we had to develop new SOPs for this kind of warfare. However, we did that very quickly", he said.

The recent operation has led the PAF to identify new areas for development, such as acquiring more precision-guided bombs, enhanced night precision attack capabilities and the capability to monitor communications and track the movement of militants, he said.

The PAF's other, already established, requirements include the development of the JF-17 Thunder fighter aircraft, co-produced with China, he said.

The PAF plans to eventually induct up to 250 JF-17 fighters, making the aircraft the backbone of its inventory, he said, adding that, the first 'fully made in Pakistan' JF-17 is expected to be produced by the end of this year at the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) in Kamra, north of Islamabad. However, there is still a requirement for a more advanced fighter aircraft, as the PAF prepares to counter the future edge that may be acquired by the IAF once it completes the planned purchase of 126 multirole combat aircraft (MRCAs), he said.

"We knew about this requirement of the Indian Air Force for 126 latest-generation fighter aircraft. Yes, it is an alarming development because when they get 126 such capable aircraft, then we also need to have something matching to counter that threat," ACM Qamar said.

Replying to a question, he said, the PAF has finalized the technical proposal for the FC-20 and informed the Chinese of its requirements.

"[The technical proposal] is more or less finalized now. There are some changes that are required, which [the Chinese] are making," he said.

The next stage of the contract will involve financial negotiations between China and Pakistan, he said. Air Chief Marshall Qamar believes that, following the signing of a contract, it will take two to two-and-a-half years before the first FC-20 aircraft is received.

Rao Qamar Suleman answering to a question said the PAF has also signed a contract for the purchase of four Chinese airborne early warning and control aircraft. The first of these is due to arrive in 2011 and the remaining three will be delivered in 2012.

August 05, 2009

MTT Learning Centre - Letter to Editor


Sometimes, there may be a situation, when you decide to write a letter to the editor. May be you are so passionate about the new political developments in your country or you want to keep the record straight. Whatever the reasons are. the letter to the editor is a great way to interact with the editors and in the meanwhile, it helps you bring certain matters under attention of the editors.  There may be many other reasons, why you are intending to write a letter to the editor. Similarly, there would also have many benefits of writing a letter to the editor and here we are going to talk about them one by one and we will end up with the generally accepted format of the letter to the editor. Which, you can freely use for this purpose.

We all need to unite and stand as one against the common enemies
Sajjad Ahmad
Freelance Writer & Researcher
Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Author and Moderator
PakistanFront Discussion Forum
ArzKyaHa Urdu Mailing list & Discussion Forum

August 02, 2009

New Trends & Culture - TipJar

The concept of TipJar is quite new though. But there are hundreds of thousands of people around the world, who are successfully using it to fund their welfare projects and also to earn their bread & butter over the Internet. However, in the countries like Pakistan, majority of the Internet users, bloggers and website owners are still unfamiliar with this terminology. Thus loosing potential revenue by not using this technique. So, what is TipJar? And how it benefits to you?